The Phoenix Medical Centre has a Patient Participation Group. It provides an important communication link between the practice and our patients.
About Patient Reference Groups
Traditionally practices have developed a Patient Participation Group through volunteers and regular meetings. Recently some practices have developed a virtual Patient Participation Group, an email community that they consult but which does not have regular face to face meetings.
We hope that by having this group it will allow patients to better understand how non clinical practice decisions are made, ask questions about the policies and procedures at the surgery and make constructive suggestions as to how we can improve.
When we receive the results of our annual patient survey, we will publish the results on the website and ask our Patient Participation Group for their comments and suggestions.
We also hope that it will improve patients understanding as to the limitations to our service and to ensure that patients have realistic expectations of what the surgery can provide.
To get a truly representative sample we need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
All registered patients are welcome to attend any meeting of the Patient Participation Group without giving prior notice.
Join our Patient Participation Group
All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.
Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.
To join:
- fill out a join our Patient Participation Group form
- phone us on 01744 621120